Wildlife Trust Learning Hub
Shire Group BSC Carried out M&E and sustainable studies on a newly proposed ECO-Learning hub for the Wildlife trust charity in Staffordshire. The purpose-built building features cutting-edge environmental design that delivers the perfect space for learning about nature in harmony with the natural landscape in which it will be located.
We have designed our M&E systems with sustainably in mind. We have proposed rain water harvesting, solar PV array (roof mounted), air source heat pumps providing heating and hot water and of course low energy lighting and appliances. We are hoping the building can almost run ‘off-grid’. With minimal mains electricity being used.
Gillian French, Head of Grants, Biffa Award said: “the technology being used in this new build is incredibly exciting. Every tiny detail has been thought of; natural daylight will be funnelled through the building to minimise artificial lighting and rainwater will be collected for toilet flushing. We can’t wait to see the finished product.”
The challenge with this project was ensuring we worked collaboratively with the architect to ensure the buildings was constructed in a way that allowed us to route our M&E services without impacting on the thermal fabric properties of the building.
Extract from – Trust’s eco-friendly Biffa Award Learning Hub is open for bookings | Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (staffs-wildlife.org.uk)
Link below to the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust website where you can find information on the hub and a short video explaining its use and function for the charity.https://www.staffs-wildlife.org.uk/LearningHubandRainGarden